



I appreciate the way your writing washes over me and asks me questions. It feels both cleansing and clarifying, while offering soft invitations for further inquiry.

I appreciate the way your writing washes over me and asks me questions. It feels both cleansing and clarifying, while offering soft invitations for further inquiry. Thank you for sharing it, as always.
Bryan Winchell 7.2022

Another great one, Monika! The line that stood out for me (among many) was, “So the purpose IS the experience that emerges from the intention, the process.”

YES! really appreciate how you write these from a place of deep inquiry and the process you are going through. It’s like having a wonderful, wide window into HOW you are living your Purpose and I appreciate you both being so conscious of it and being willing to share it with the rest of us. Bryan 06/07

-Brian W

monika bravo